If you are a respected resident of Baridhara Diplomatic Zone, and you are considering the higher education of your child abroad, you don’t need to suffer through traffic jams to get any counseling. All you need is a phone call!
Baridhara to Panthapath to Baridhara…..one kind of Dhaka-Bangkok-Dhaka travel time by air during official days.
We have prepared a dynamic expert counselor team for you! Everyone as an individual is a certified consultant on higher education recognized by the governments of Australia, Britain, Canada, and America! The selected team led by our Senior Consultant sir will reach your doorstep!
This service is only for residents of the Baridhara Diplomatic Zone! Gradually we will bring the honorable residents of Gulshan-2 and Gulshan-1 under this service.
Could you call us and confirm your appointment: 01755227755, 01755-227766
Leave the planning of your child’s higher education to us and Rest assured!