Company Profile

SA Associates Canada Inc ( SAA )

SAA is a Non Governmental Educational Organization, (NGO) operating in the field of education in Canada, which was founded at first in Bangladesh in 1997 by the heads of the Foreign Department of several leading education establishments in Canada in order to increase and simplify the admission of students from foreign shores to them (educational establishments). The rectors of major universities and other professorial staff of educational establishments are in the advisory board of SAA. During the past ten years, over 1200 students studying through the SAA in various fields.
SA Associates Canada Inc is officially registered Canadian Company by Ministry of Consumer and Business Services ( OCN 1726863 ), tax payer of Ministry of Finance in Ontario, Canada and BN holder of Canada Revenue Agency ( 85830-0189-RC0001 ). SAA is the honorary member of Canada Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and ISO 9001:2008. SA Associates is also registered in the Mayors office of Dhaka , associate member of FACD-CAB ( foreign admission & career development consultant association in Bangladesh, a 1st class member of FBCCI ) and approved by the Ministry of Education in Bangladesh (license no. DCC-120953). We operate through a world wide network of highly qualified specialists and professionals who are involved in the field of education consultation with over 9 official representatives and over 20 marketing agents around the world.


The hallmarks of our work with and support of colleagues and students include:
  1. Respect for each persons dignity;
  2. Fairness and honesty
  3. Trust and fairness
  4. Advocacy on behalf of student needs and interests
  5. Moreover,the SAA strives for quality continous evaluation, improvement and innovation in its work.

Sa Associates Canada Inc.

SAA is staffed by a highly qualified team of professionals whose main goal is to help foreign students adapt to the lifestyle in CANADA. The working language of SAA is Russian, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Tamil and Hindi are mainly used for correspondence purposes and implemented in the day to day work for special cases.

Additional activities of the SAA and its goals:

  • Handling admission for foreign candidates to educational establishments in Toronto and the surrounding region.
  • Promotion of bilateral International cooperation with educational establishments in other countries in order to implement new educational projects and exchange programs.
  • Implementing and executing new educational programs which are focused on the needs of the 22nd century in order to upgrade educational standards and academic levels in any field.
  • Funding and overseeing of joint research projects.
  • Organization and the utilization of new teaching methods (distant learning programs, teaching in languages other than English ).
  • Exchange programs, for students and professionals.
  • The maintenance of a Human Resource Database of professionals and job oriented courses for multinational companies,
    which are drafted as per their demands.
  • The design & execution of programs in order to upgrade the qualifications of people who have a basic degree.
  • Taking part in foreign projects & grant funds as coordinators to help and develop scientific research institutes in Canada.
  • Bilateral exchange of knowledge across regions.
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