Archive for Author: admin

Sharmin Akter, ADMITTED AND VISA RECEIVED FOR STUDYING AT the University of Windsor & SPOUSE Md. Ahsan Ullah allows him to travel with her, and her child also received a Study Permit visa.

Congratulations Sharmin Akter, Ex-student of the North East Medical College and Hospital and Ex- Medical Officer of Chowdhury General Hospital, Chankharpul, Dhaka-1100. Admitted and Visa received for studying at the University of Windsor, Masters in Medical Bio-Technology. IELTS: 6.5...

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Fatema Rubyat, ADMITTED AND VISA RECEIVED FOR STUDYING AT Lakehead University & SPOUSE Mohammad Aynul Kabir HAS RECEIVED OPEN WORK PERMIT VISA and their children also received Study Permit visas.

Congratulations Fatema Rubyat, Ex-student of the National University & Ex-Employee of Scorpion Service Ltd. Admitted and Visa received for studying at Lakehead University, Masters of Public Administration. IELTS: 7.0 (Academic), 7.5 (GT) The Open Work Permit visa for Madam’s...

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Admitted and Visa received for studying at the University Canada West, subject- Master of Business Administration major concentration in Digital Media.

Congratulations Tanzim Muntasir, Ex-student of Victoria University, Australia, BBA Graduate. Ex-employee of BSRM, Business Development Coordinator. Admitted and Visa received for studying at the University Canada West, subject- Master of Business Administration major concentration in Digital Media. IELTS: 7.0...

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Mathelda Ruby Rozario, Admitted and Visa received for studying at the University Canada West & SPOUSE Mr. Donald Gabriel Gomes HAS RECEIVED OPEN WORK PERMIT VISA

Congratulations Madam Mathelda Ruby Rozario, Ex-student of Lalmatia Mohila College under National University. Master of Art in English graduated. Admitted and Visa received for studying at the University Canada West, subject- MBA major concentration in HRM. Ex-employee of English...

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